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We provide accounting and taxation services for different types of clients, including individuals, sole-proprietorships, partnerships and corporations. Our services not only help clients to save costs of setting up an independent accounting unit but also provide financial analysis charts and reports to let them more effectively grow their business.


Accounting & Bookeeping Services


Compiling books of accounts monthly, quarterly or yearly;

Computerized accounting : Service charge for annual accounts as low as HK$1,000 or HK$250 for monthly accounts; which includes general ledger, sub-ledger, cash book, bank accounts, accounts receivable and accounts payable;
Preparing annual financial statements including Income Statement and Balance Sheet;
Certified Professional Accountants supervising the services provided;


Monthly compiling books of accounts ● expected to be completed: about 1-2 weeks

Quarterly compiling books of accounts ● expected to be completed: about 2-3 weeks

Yearly compiling books of accounts ● expected to be completed: about 3-4 weeks


*  Services Charges List (HK Dollar)

Average Annual Transactions Monthly Fee (HKD) Quarterly Fee (HKD) Yearly Fee (HKD)
0 - 200 250 350 1,000
201 - 300 400 500 1,500
301 - 400 500 700 2,000
401 - 500 650 850 2,500
501 - 600 750 1,000 3,000
601 - 700 900 1,200 3,500
701 - 800 1,000 1,350 4,000
801 - 900 1,150 1,500 4,500
901 - 1,000 1,250 1,650 5,000
1,001 - 1,100 1,400 1,850 5,500
1,101 - 1,200 1,500 2,000 6,000
1,201 or above

* The above charges are for reference only, actual prices may be adjusted depending on an assessment of the degree of complexity of the case.


Taxation Services


Acting as Tax Representative;

Completing and filing profits tax returns, computation of taxable profit, and other Schedule;
Completing and filing employer 's returns;
Applying for extension for filing tax returns;

Lodging objection against improper Tax Estimation / Tax Assessment;

Applying for tax holdover / tax installments / tax refund;
Processing the IRD's query, appeal or objection; 
Providing financial analysis;
Providing free consultancy services to client in respect of taxation


*  Services Charges List (HK Dollar)

Services Items Services Fee (HKD)
Completing and filing the Profit Tax Return-Corporations(BIR51)/Persons other than Corporations(BIR52)(not including preparation of financial statement) 700
Completing and filing Tax Return - Individuals(BIR60) 500
Completing and filing Properties Tax Return(BIR57 / 58) 250
Completing and filing Employer's Return (IR56B/E/F/G/M)(per set) 100
Replying to IRD's letter(per letter) 250
Applying for extention for filing tax return 250
Lodging objection against improper Tax Estimation / Tax Assessment 250
Applying for tax holdover (not including preparation of financial forecast report) / tax installments / tax refund 250
Assistance in handling tax field audits and tax investigations of Inland Revenue Department

* The above charge is for reference only, actual price may be adjusted.

金時商務 Kams Business Services
Tel: 6202 5544
Fax: 3011 5702
Postal Address: Room 2201, Wayson Commercial House, 68-70 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Office Address: Room 2201, Wayson Commercial House, 68-70 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong