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According to Hong Kong Companies Ordinance Sec. 122, the annual financial statements of Hong Kong limited company should be audited by Hong Kong Certified Public Accountants (Practising), for the purpose of presenting for shareholders’ review in annual general meeting.


Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department also requires the Hong Kong Limited company to submit the profits tax return (Form BIR 51) with the audited financial statements for the purpose of tax assessment.
For newly incorporated private companies, the first set of audited accounts should be laid before shareholders at the AGM within 9 months (6 months for other companies) after its financial year-end. Subsequent AGMs should be held not more than 15 months apart.
Statutory Auditing is conducted in accordance with Hong Kong Standards on Auditing issued by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Companies Ordinances. During the audit, the experienced accountant should understand the client’s industry, business operation, management structure and risks management, could discover the potential management and operational problems and could provide professional solutions to the clients.
Certified Public Accountants form their independent opinion upon the true and fair presentation of the financial statements and help the directors of the company to comply with the relevant Companies Ordinances and fulfill their duties.


金時商務 Kams Business Services
Tel: 6202 5544
Fax: 3011 5702
Postal Address: Room 2201, Wayson Commercial House, 68-70 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Office Address: Room 2201, Wayson Commercial House, 68-70 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong